TikTok TV Search

TikTok TV Search

Apr 2024 - Oct 2024


Search is a fundamental core feature in all TV products, but using a remote control for searching adds significant complexity for users. Making it easier for users to search on TV and guiding them to quickly find the content they want has become crucial.


Lead Product Designer


UX design / Visual design



2 Design Patent

Video related interactive patent

Design inventions

Apr 2024 - Oct 2024


Dissatisfied users

27% of Web users and 12% of Android TV users clicked the search icon but didn't search. Around 48% of Web TV and 42% of Android TV users used search only once, indicating dissatisfaction and room for improvement.


Frustrated users in searching experience

Users Get Lost Between Search Input & Results:

TikTok TV separates search input and results onto different pages, slowing the process and causing frustration, which may lead users to stop using the search feature.

"Waterfall" Format of Results Distracts Users:

Only 67.88% of users play a video after reaching the results page. We mix Top Search User cards, videos, and users in an uncategorized 'Waterfall' format.

Hover to play

Hover to play

Hover to play

Hover to play

Hover to play

Hover to play

New Structure

Redefine the user purpose


Based on previous profile research, the left-right structure is the best option for a short video platform cause it has more capacity.

The row layout is more suitable for search scenarios, giving users a feeling of continuous video consumption. It is the opposite with profile structure, Waterfall layouts, on the other hand, are generally designed to help users quickly find specific content.

Hover to play

Hover to play

Hover to play


· Not intuitive interactions

· Only show 1 row at a time

Hover to play

Hover to play

Hover to play


· More intuitive interactions

· Show more rows at a time


The user's intuition should focus on the 'Search Button' but not 'clear' after typing the keyword, and after back from the search result, we will help the user to focus on 'Clear Button' automatically.

To give the user a better and smoother experience on TV. We try to minimize the steps that users have to take when searching. TikTok keyboard is the most efficient keyboard among all competitors.

Max for 5 steps

From keyboard to suggestion

Max for 5 steps

From keyboard to suggestion

Max for 5 steps

From keyboard to suggestion

Only 3 steps

From center keyboard to suggestion

Only 3 steps

From center keyboard to suggestion

Only 3 steps

From center keyboard to suggestion

Only 2 steps

Back from result to suggestion

Only 2 steps

Back from result to suggestion

Only 2 steps

Back from result to suggestion

Only 1 step

To keyboard and result

Only 1 step

To keyboard and result

Only 1 step

To keyboard and result

Top user card

Adding the top user card in the search result could help users decrease the step of browsing videos, just keeping pressing 'right' without getting into the user's profile.


Suggestion & Result overview

The Result

To be continued…


Tony Xing

Product Designer